Congestion at the Curb

Date: January 1, 2021 By: CoMotion
  • Amount of shared vehicles
  • Automotive products (Level 4+)
  • Autonomous vehicle preference
  • Customer curiosity
  • Customer interest
  • Industry Activity
  • Infrastructure
  • Mobility behaviour
  • Mobility concept preferences
  • Mobility planning
  • Multi modal mobility
  • Test roads - Autonomous vehicle
  • Vehicle-2-vehicle communication
  • Global
  • North America
  • USA

Ride-hailing services such as Uber and Lyft have ushered in a new wave of mobility that has reshaped the transportation fabric of cities across the globe. What started as a novel way to hail a ride with an app is now a multi-billion dollar industry with millions of drivers and hundreds of millions of passengers worldwide. While many have enjoyed the comfort and ease of hailing a Transportation Network Company (TNC) ride, cities are now dealing with the negative effects of tens of thousands of extra cars on the road.

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